All communication will be on EA India FIFA Mobile Discordserver.
Aftersuccessful registration players will be given a discord role on
discord server.
Brackets will be provided by tournament admins in discord channel.
All matches will be self-hosted by the players and will have to invite
one another.
All players are requested to start match on time, failing to do so will
result in No show in Tournament
Players must be ready to play and add their opponents 15 minutes
prior to the scheduled start time. Failing to do so will result in an
automatic loss.
Players must report in fortheir match within 5 minutes of the round
Players must report their score screenshot within 10 minutes of the
match finishing.
Late comers who miss the scheduled match timings will forfeit and
disqualification from
the tournament at the discretion of the organizer. Buffer time of only
Fiveminutes will be